A case study of pre-service training for special education teachers

  • Fu Wang
Ariticle ID: 282
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Keywords: Special Education, pre-service Training mode, Case Study


with national attention to special education , More and more universities are starting to create special education majors, Undergraduate Special education specialty culture is the key to special education development_ ring , Therefore, it is urgent to make a systematic study on the cultivation of special education majors . This study takes a case Study , with N School Research Object , In-depth analysis of the training patterns for special education undergraduates . Research Discovery :(1)N School Special Education The training model for undergraduates has several features : to nurture research-oriented talent ; The fruit set embodies a wide range of educational tendencies greater than the specialization ; Professional Course open by credits , opening system and faculty restrictions ;2)Formation of culture scheme is the result of policy and market interaction ; 3) Training for undergraduates Evaluation Style single _, only on graduation go 


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A case Study on the pre-training of Special education Teachers in universities FU Wangqian , XIAO Fti

oeparlmenl to Special education , Faculty of education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, The ')
