Preparation and supercapacitive performance of three-dimensional
three-dimensional reduced graphene oxide (RGO)/polyaniline (PANI) composite has been prepared in a single step bYthe ultrasonic irradiation OFA suspension ofgraphite oxide and gels using a PANI method.Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), Transmission electron microscope (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform INfrared Spectra (FT-ir), X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS), and electrochemical measurements were to performedThe morphology, structure, and supercapacitive performance of the composite.The result showed this composite maintained the basic morphology of RGO, and that's PANI was inlayed insideNetwork.An outstanding supercapacitive performance is obtained when the mass ratio ofgraphite oxide and PANI was 1:1.Furthermore, the capacities reached 758 and f*g_1at 0.5 and 30a*g_1, respectively.The retention rate is foundto is86%after1000 cyclesat
received:october,2014;Revised:november:2014;Publishedon Web:november,2014.
corresponding";Tel: +86-816-2419276.
The project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of PRC (41272051), Doctor Fund project by SouthwestUniversity and Technology, 11zx7135, postgraduate innovation Fund Project by Southwest University ofCience and Technology, 14ycx003, and Miaozi subtopic Project for the construction of Mianyang Sci-tech City UniverSity Students ' innovative undertaking Club demonstration Site, the 2014rz0038-15.
National Natural Science Foundation(41272051),Southwestern University of Science and Technology, Ph. D Fund(11zx7135),Graduate Innovation Fund, Southwest University of Science and Technology(14ycx003)and Mianyang Science and Technology City College students ' innovative entrepreneurshipClub Demonstration Point Project Sub-project(2014rz0038-15)Project Funding
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